
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities


Boost your brand, expand your influence in the industry, and support the Society of Radiation Oncology Administrators.

SROA provides a supportive network of expertise for radiation oncology administrators to improve and advance their management of organizational operations, finance, research, and human resources. Access more than more than 400 radiation Oncology administrators and affiliates from all regions and practice areas, including those from hospitals, universities, and freestanding environments.


Click here to view full Prospectus


New in 2024 - Society Partnerships!

Keep your brand in front of today’s leaders in radiation oncology administrators year-round with prominent exposure and extended access to SROA members throughout the year including at
SROA’s Annual Meeting.

Titanium (3 available) - $35,000
Platinum (2 available) - $20,000
Year-round Recognition
  • Listed as Titanium sponsor on SROA’s website with company logo, description, and linked to your website.
  • Use of the Corporate Partnership Logo on company promotional materials.
  • Linked logo on all SROA marketing materials and email.
  • Premium placement (located at the top of the newsletter) hyperlinked banner ad in 3 issues of SROA’s monthly e-newsletter.
  • One sponsored webinar hosted by SROA.
  • Position yourself as the expert - you pick the topic, speaker, and format.*
    • Includes your linked logo on marketing emails and social posts.
  • Two promotional eblasts to SROA members and contacts.*
  • One blog post on SROA Sidebar.*
  • Recognition of Titanium Partnership on SROA’s podcast.
Conference Networking and Promotion
  • Partnership recognition on SROA’s Conference webpage.
  • Acknowledgement in the Conference mobile app.
  • Opening session podium recognition.
  • Mobile app banner ad.
  • Recognition in onsite signage.
  • Two full conference registrations.
  • One premium 10 x 10 exhibit space.
  • Choice of Presidents Party, Quality Luncheon, or Business Luncheon sponsorship.
    • 5-minute welcome speech.
    • Ten complimentary tickets.
    • Logo on signage.
  • Your linked logo in the daily emails sent to each attendees during the conference.
  • Pre and Post conference attendee mailing list.
Year-round Recognition
  • Listed as Platinum sponsor on SROA’s website with company logo, description, and linked to your website.
  • Use of the Corporate Partnership Logo on company promotional materials.
  • Linked logo on all SROA marketing materials and email.
  • High placement (located in the middle of the newsletter) hyperlinked ad in three issues of SROA’s monthly e-newsletter.
  • One promotional eblast to SROA members and contacts.*
  • Recognition of Platinum Partnership on SROA’s podcast.
Conference Networking and Promotion
  • Partnership recognition on SROA’s Conference webpage.
  • Acknowledgement in the Conference mobile app.
  • Opening session podium recognition.
  • Mobile app banner ad.
  • Recognition in onsite signage.
  • Two full conference registrations.
  • One table top exhibit space.
  • One General Session Video Commercial* Session choice, first-come, first-served.
  • Pre and Post Conference attendee mailing
  • list.



The SROA annual conference provides live, in-person opportunities to present educational content and product service content directly to attendees. Achieve a superior level of visibility for your organization and support SROA and its members as a sponsor.



Events sponsorships include your company logo linked to your website on the conference webpage,recognition in onsite signage, on the conference schedule on the website and in the mobile app.

  • Breakfast Sponsorship - $3,000
    • Occurs in the exhibit hall. 4 available, you choose the day, first come first served.
  • Break Sponsor - $1,500
    • Occurs in the exhibit hall. 4 available, you choose the day, first come first served.
  • Topic Forums - $5,000
    • Invite your chosen individual to assist as a moderator in a 30-minute Topic Forum. This session isinteractive and is all about audience participation. One is available per topic. Choose from thefollowing topics: Payer Trends, Leadership, Technology, Nursing, or New Administrators (first come,first served).
  • Lightning Talks - $2,500
    • Located inside the exhibit hall, educate attendees on a specific educational topic to optimize yourmarketing efforts during this 15-minute session. 4 available.
  • Workshop/Concurrent Session Video Commercial - $1,500
    • Your 30-second commercial will be shown during the session – limit one per session.
  • Biggest Struggle Workshop - $10,000
    • In collaboration with SROA, put together an expert panel with a moderator and one content expert ofyour choice. Questions will be solicited from participants on the biggest struggles they face and thepanel will be able to provide advice or solicit advice from attendees. Includes pre-conferencepromotion.
  • Focus Group - $10,000
    • Provide up to two moderators for a focus group on a topic of your choice. Includes an eblast pre-conference requesting volunteer participation. You create the questions for a survey and SROA willcreate and manage the online survey for screening the focus group participants.

Item sponsorships include your logo/branding on the item and your company logo linked to your website on the conference webpage.

  • Lanyard Sponsorship - $2,500
    • Place your logo on all lanyards given to each attendee, exhibitor and staff member. Mobilize your company's logo throughout the Annual Meeting. Attendees will be photographed during the Annual Meeting, and as such, your company's logo will appear in furture promotional and marketing material for the Annual Meeting.
  • Pen Sponsorship - $1,250
    • Your logo is featured on all pens handed out during the convention. its a great way to show off yourcompany. Everyone needs a pen!


Select your booth package that best fits your needs.

To register for your exhibit booth, follow this link.


SROA 2024 Exhibit Hall Policies and Procedures