By Tammy McCausland
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Most of us know someone, directly or indirectly, who has breast cancer, is a survivor or who succumbed to the disease.
By Jiné Maroney
This blog post is adapted from the article “My Experience Attending the New Administrators Workshop” published in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators, Vol 34, No. 2.
This blog post is adapted from the article “Addressing Radiation Therapist Burnout” published in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators, Vol 33, No. 5.
This blog post is adapted from the Q&A “Introducing the Advanced Practice Radiation Therapist” published in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators, Vol 33, No. 5.
This blog post is adapted from the article “An Aligned Care Model to Improve Nurse Engagement and Quality Outcomes” published in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators, Vol 33, No. 5.
This blog post is adapted from the article “Mammograms for All Women at Age 40” published in Vol. 33 No. 4 of Radiation Oncology for Administrators.
This blog post is adapted from the article “Succession Planning” published in Vol. 33 No. 3 of Radiation Oncology for Administrators.
By Julie Abilheira
This year marks a significant milestone—SROA’s 40th Annual Meeting. That’s 40 years of serving radiation oncology administrators with an annual conference filled with speakers, workshops, events and networking opportunities with their specific needs in mind. Each year SROA is joined by new administrators looking to gain knowledge and make connections.
By Aaron Brammer
This blog post is modified from an article that appeared in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators Vol 33 No 2.
In 2023, SROA and the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) have teamed up to tackle payor challenges. Both societies are collecting examples of inappropriate denials and delays in care and identifying trends and themes. We will be meeting with the payors to present patient cases and scenarios of commonly experienced, inappropriate prior-authorization trends.
By Lea Woods
This blog post is modified from an article that appeared in Radiation Oncology News for Administrators Vol 33 No 2.
When the pandemic started, we temporarily closed one of our two facilities and transferred our three radiation therapists (RTs) to our facility in Rock Hill, SC. We divided our 10 RTs into two teams. One team worked remotely for two weeks while the other team was hands-on in the clinic.