By Skot Waldron
The same distractions that interrupt office productivity also penetrate remote work environments. There can be spouses, kids, pets, laundry, and yard work to manage. So, how can you be simultaneously present and productive?
5th Gear - Task-centered, fully focused, and moving quickly
You need this gear to focus and get things done. Alerts and notifications are disabled, the door is closed, the calendar is blocked off, and maybe headphones are on playing your favorite Mariah Carey hit (if that’s your thing). Seriously, this is your “Get it done!” gear!
4th Gear - Multi-tasking; working hard in various ways
We tend to spend a lot of time in this gear. The door is cracked, with multiple things going on, or an occasional interruption from a kid showing you their favorite Lego creation. Sometimes we mistake this gear for getting things done, but really we end up spinning our wheels. Make sure you’re intentional about the things you are multi-tasking. Having dinner with your spouse and working is not a healthy way to multi-task by the way.
3rd Gear - Present with people and can shift up or down easily
We call this gear “water cooler talk” or “small talk.” Talking about the weather or what you did last weekend are good examples. I realize some of you out there absolutely hate small talk. I get it. I’m not a huge fan either. But it’s really important for some individuals to have time to connect with others in order to have the energy they need to be productive.
2nd Gear - Present with family or friends without work
This is the gear that we all need to pay attention to. How many of you are guilty of checking your email or work messages while watching a show in the evening with your family? That’s what I thought. Second Gear is when we are fully present with our family or friends. Sitting down and talking over dinner, or having a bigger conversation via Zoom with a work colleague.
1st Gear - Personal recharge, completely unplug
You need time to recharge. Read a book, ride your bike, watch Netflix, or go and talk to your neighbor. Do what gives you energy but rests your mind.
Here are your action items. They are simple and easy to implement.:
If you would like a deeper dive into the 5 Gears, you can access some high-quality video content on a free platform called GiANT here. Set up a free account and unlock your leadership potential.
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Related Content: Building Leadership and Effective Communication: Skot Waldron
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